Archives for June 2012

How to Write Travel Stories That Sell

Writing © by tonyhall

“How do I get paid for my travel writing?”

It’s a common question here at TBA.

And fortunately, we’ve got an expert lined up to answer all your questions.

In this MASSIVE guest post, Leyla Giray from reveals how she became a successful travel writer… and how you can, too!

She originally released this as an eBook but was kind enough to share this info with Academy members (so be sure to thank her in the comments!)

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How Travel Bloggers Really Make Money (And How You Can,Too)

For many, travel blogging is a hobby. 

They share travel stories with friends and family and making money from it never really crossed their mind.

This message is not for them.

Other travel bloggers, however, do make a full time income from their blog and let me tell you…

They look at things differently. More importantly, they measure things differently.

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A Bulletproof Guide to SEO for Travel Bloggers

seo advice travel bloggers can use

Don’t worry - you don’t need to get this joke to enjoy this post. Promise.

You’re not gonna believe this…

After interviewing ten top travel bloggers I discovered something incredible.

I discovered that - on average - each blogger gets between 50 - 70% of their total traffic from the search engines.

Which - as someone with years of SEO experience - was encouraging.

But what if you don’t know much about SEO?

What if you just want a simple blueprint to help
improve your rankings…

without fighting through countless SEO books, blogs and forums to find the answers?

Fear not, because…

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