Case Study: The Pros and Cons of Writing an eBook

eBook © by goXunuReviews (Flickr)

After reading How to Write a Super Sexy eBook in 2 Days Without Losing Your Mind,  I instantly knew that writing an eBook would be a great learning experience, and hopefully, a new source of income.

As a travel blogger, I had writing experience, but had never compiled my writing into an eBook.

I also loved that writing an eBook would cost nearly nothing, except my time.

With plans to move to Barcelona, I needed to increase the income from my website to support myself. You can earn money not just by blogging, but also by investing in stocks. As an investor, you can use a share app to maintain track of your portfolio, stay up to date on financial news, and watch share prices on a daily basis. The correct app, such as Aktien app iphone, might have a significant impact on your returns.

Here’s my case study on the pros (and cons) of writing an eBook…

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Travel Photography: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

In the words of Ansel Adams…

You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” - Ansel Adams

But how do you make a good photograph?

In this no-nonsense interview, award-winning writer and photographer, Matt Gibson reveals how he makes a good photograph AND how he uses travel photography to grow his blog.

Travel Photography

Matt Gibson shooting a sunset.

You’ll learn:

  • Why travel photography is critical to the your blog’s success
  • How you can skyrocket your blog’s traffic using photography
  • Strategies for making money from your photos
  • How to use photos to boost newsletter subscribers
  • Essential gear for newbie (and expert) photographers
  • Common (but often overlooked) tricks to taking good photographs
  • The #1 most “overrated” piece of equipment
  • How to safeguard and backup your photos while traveling
  • And much more!

So what are we waiting for?

Let’s get started…

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Millions Use Bluehost for Domain Names and Website Hosting… Why Not You?

Blue HostWe get asked all the time…

What service provider do you use for Travel Blogger Academy’s domain name registration and website hosting?

So we decided to create post answering your questions.

But first, here’s a little background on domain names and web hosting for newbies…

Domain names are the URL that you type into an internet browser (e.g.,,,, etc.).

Web hosting is a service provided by a company which sells space on their servers to store all your website files (webpages, images, videos, etc.) and allows your website display on the Internet.

To start your own website, you need both a domain name and web hosting…

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The Shocking Truth About Your Blog and Why it Might be at Risk…

Picture it:

You’ve spent the last year, building a successful blog.  

Your visitors know you well.  They’ve purchased your products, downloaded your e-books, and signed up for your newsletter.  

Overall, you’re kicking ass.

Then, without warning, you discover a much larger company has recently registered and trademarked a strikingly similar company name, stealing your traffic and destroying all your hard work.

Unfortunately, these situations are real and happen everyday.

The good news…

They don’t have to.

Robert Wright is an Intellectual Property Lawyer from and discusses how you can (and should) protect yourself, website, and company.

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What Gary Arndt Can Teach You About Blogging…

Gary Arndt (

Gary Arndt (

Blogging doesn’t have to be hard… if you stick with it.

In this no-holds-barred interview, veteran blogger Gary Arndt from Everything-Everywhere reveals how he managed to become the most popular travel blog today.

You’ll learn:

  • Several ‘under-the-radar’ strategies for building an audience (not  just driving traffic)
  • A “damn smart” way to make money with a travel blog
  • The dangers of blindly following on Twitter
  • Strategies for avoiding the travel blog “echo chamber”
  • How Gary uses guest posting (and how you can, too)
  • The dumbest things Gary did when he started out (and how to avoid them)
  • How to get sponsored trips
  • And why Gary’s “early mover advantage” didn’t matter much (and what really matters to your success)

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7 Must-Have Apps to Turbocharge Your Guest Posting

Asleep at computer from guest posting

Guest posting wearing you out?

Are you out of ideas to write about?

Do you have writer’s block?

What about the opposite…

Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of writing you need to do?

We’ve all been there. At both ends of the spectrum.

Then Adam tells us to guest post on other blogs too.

Yes, more writing.

Wait. It doesn’t have to be that bad.

Below are 7 apps to help streamline your guest posting. Some will even help your blog.

With the tools below, you’ll be able to quickly write and format your post for any site that accepts it.

Ready to become a guest posting machine? Then keep reading. [Read more…]

How to Network With Travel Bloggers (Without Looking Desperate)

e-commerce © by Garfield Anderssen (Flickr)

Networking can be tough

… but it doesn’t have to be.

In this INCREDIBLE guest post, Tony Rulli from reveals his networking secrets which will:

  • Grow your traffic faster
  • Build long-lasting relationships with top bloggers
  • Shorten your learning curve (and help you avoid painful “newbie” mistakes)

As you’ll soon see, Tony does something brilliant in this post. See if you can spot it… and let us know in the comments!

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The Essential Guide to Newsletters (And Why Every Travel Blog Needs One)

Email Tips © by Ron Mader

Nothing sexy here…

No flashy “Web 2.0” gimmicks or other such strangeness.

Instead, we’re going to focus on the oh-so-unsexy (but EXTREMELY effective) newsletter.

Yes, email.

Now you might be wondering… Why a travel newsletter? Why not Twitter? Or  Facebook?

Listen closely.

Because in this post you will learn:

  • How to get started (including my favorite service to use)
  • What types of content/style works best
  • How people are building seven and eight figure businesses with email
  • Five simple reasons email crushes social media
  • Why travel is the perfect market for this model (and how to get started)
  • How to convince readers to sign up - without being annoying
  • The two simple factors in growing your readership
  • Extremely smart (and PROFITABLE) ways to monetize

Ready? Then let’s roll…

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How To Read Minds And Become Irresistible To Your Audience

Sexy red © by Menachim Czertok

Who are you writing for?

It’s an honest question…

… but a dangerous one, too.

Because if you don’t know exactly who you’re writing for – their passions, fears and prejudices – your writing will FAIL.


Maybe… but true.

Fortunately, you can “tap” into your audience in just a few simple steps. Best part? You can set these processes up so that it automatically gathers feedback for you.

You can set these processes up… turn them on… and gain valuable insights for years to come.

Now I’d like to share these methods with you.

But first…

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10 Timeless Blogging Lessons Learned from World Travel

joke about texas bbq being a serious business for travel bloggers

Texas BBQ is serious business.

You know travel’s good for the soul…

… but did you know it’s good for business, too?

It’s true.

After three INSANE years of world travel, I’m going to share with you ten business lessons I’ve learned around the world… and how you can use these to improve your own travel blog.

As billionaire Richard Branson once famously said…

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